Mission – A mix of heavy rain and wet snow is expected to start this afternoon and extend into the weekend, according to weather forecasts.
Learn how the City manages our roads during winter weather, review our winter home maintenance tips, see where warming centres are located, and more.
Snow & Ice Preparedness Plan
When it snows, our crews work 24/7 on Priority Route 1 followed by Priority 2 until the snow is cleared. We focus on main roads, which include emergency accesses, public transit, and school bus routes.
Priority 3 routes include all other roads; they will not be plowed until after the snow event has ended and Priority 1 and 2 Routes have been cleared and are in good condition.
When temperatures dip below 2 degrees, our crews are busy brining roads to prevent slippery conditions.
Curbside Collection
During extreme weather, curbside collection schedules may change. Check mission.ca or download the RecycleCoach app for alerts.
Cold weather can make emptying your Rot Pot or yard waste bin without damaging it challenging because material can freeze and the bin itself becomes brittle.
To avoid issues try to:
- reduce moisture in your material by lining your cart with dry materials like newspaper or cardboard,
- strain wet food waste and wrap in newspaper, a paper or certified compostable bag, or
- place in your freezer then place in the rot pot the morning of collection so it falls out easier, or use a stick to loosen the material the morning of collection.
Winter Home Maintenance Tips
Keep catch basins clear of debris
Prevent local flooding on your street by keeping the catch basins near your home clear of leaves and debris.
In the event of snow, shovel smart!
Pile the snow from your shoveled driveway and sidewalk onto your grass and not onto the road or catch basins. When our plows go by, snow that has been shoveled onto the road may end up right back on your driveway because of the way our plows need to be angled. Windrows can be frustrating, but can be avoided with smart shoveling.
Replace furnace filters
Help keep your furnace running smoothly with a regular replacement of the filter.
Insulate Pipes
If you have exposed pipe in your home in unheated areas, such as a basement or garage, there is a risk that water could freeze and burst. Insulation can help prevent potential damage from a burst pipe.
Prevent your waterlines from freezing
Turn off all outside taps and drain lines to prevent them from freezing. If your waterlines have frozen in the past, you may want to consider leaving a small trickle of water from a tap to prevent freezing.
Warming Centres are open at locations throughout Mission during regular posted hours when temperatures drop below freezing.
Mission Public Library
33247 2nd Avenue
Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday/Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Mission Leisure Centre
7650 Grand Street
Monday – Friday: 5:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Mission Friendship Centre
33150 1st Avenue, Mission
Monday – Friday 8:30 to 4:00 pm