Burnaby/Abbotsford – The BC School Sports 2022-23 Inspiration Awards Includes Abbotsford Basketball Association Coach.
The Women In Sports and Leadership Award went to ABA’s Ashylen Singh. Ash began coaching in grade 11 with their sister and soon realized that the benefits they had gained from playing sports were far more accessible to some families than others. Specifically, youth from families experiencing financial or other social barriers resulted in them being less likely to enroll in sports.
As a result, Ash co-founded a not-for-profit called the Abbotsford Basketball Association (ABA). Through the ABA, they have worked with a team of community leaders and coaches to help address issues such as financial inaccessibility, lack of female coaches and officials, lack of participation in sports by girls, and more.
Today Ash has been coaching for 12 years, in both the community and in schools.
They began teaching at in 2019, where they focused on promoting sports, particularly basketball, to female student-athletes in their school community.