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BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association Recognizes Community Support in Schools with 2020 BCPVPA Partnership Awards – Chilliwack and Abbotsford

Vancouver/Fraser Valley – The B.C. Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA) has recognized five remarkable groups and individuals who have made a substantial difference over time through projects that benefit their local public schools. For more than two decades, the BCPVPA Partnership Awards have been presented in recognition of the immeasurable time, energy and expertise that local people dedicate to supporting B.C. students and schools. Nominations are submitted by the BCPVPA’s sixty Chapters that provide professional support to Principals and Vice-Principals across the province.

The 2020 BCPVPA Partnership Award recipients have responded to a range of student needs, from securing regular meals, to supporting youth at risk, to ensuring supplies and essentials. BCPVPA President David DeRosa has high regard for the contributions of the 2020 recipients. “Through the nominations we receive each year, we get just a glimpse of the enormous contributions that individuals, organizations and businesses are making to their local public schools. Educators understand the importance of those tightly-woven community connections, and how they can support student success, and the Partnership Awards are another way to say thank you, and to recognize the passion and initiative of the recipients. They are people in our B.C. communities who have spun their own special skills, networks and creative ideas into programs of support for our children and youth.”

In an ordinary year, the 2020 recipients would receive their Awards at a May member event in Vancouver. This year, in respect of the direction by public health authorities, there’s a hope that each recipient will receive their Award by way of a much smaller – but no less meaningful – encounter. President DeRosa continues, “Our Award recipients are nominated by the local Chapters, and those are strong and important relationships. We have encouraged our Chapter representatives, where it is possible, to personally present the Award to their local recipient. We envision some impromptu driveway ceremonies, maybe a meet-up in a local park or on a schoolground; these are special people in the hearts of our Chapters, and our members will find inspired ways to connect with the recipients.”

Abbotsford Quilters’ Guild, nominated by Abbotsford Chapter (School District #34)

The Abbotsford Quilters’ Guild makes and distributes quilts for several charities, and was nominated for their contribution to Abbotsford’s New Beginnings Young Parent Program that provides opportunities for young parents to complete or upgrade their high school education. The Abbotsford Quilters’ Guild honours each graduate’s commitment to their education with the presentation of a beautiful quilt made with care and love for the children of each graduate. As part of their ongoing support for public education, they also provide a yearly bursary to a graduating student of New Beginnings to help facilitate their post secondary pursuits.

“The Guild appreciates the proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. We are pleased that our quilts, a lasting memory of success and a symbol of encouragement, recognize our place in the global community.” (Harriet Tomashewski, Award Recipient)

Murray Honda, nominated by Chilliwack Chapter (School District #33)

Murray Honda (part of the Murray Auto Group) has collaborated with Canadian Tire Chilliwack and Staples Chilliwack for many years to support needy families throughout Chilliwack. Each year, they contact 30 Chilliwack schools to determine the needs

of students in the community. They respond by delivering high quality boots, jackets, backpacks, and school supplies. As a result, they have been able to eliminate barriers and open opportunities so that students can participate in school in an equitable way with all of their peers.

“I have learned the value of partnerships over the years and how ‘many hands make light work’ when working towards a common goal … Collectively we have the chance to work directly with local children and youth in need in both District 33 and 78, to ensure all students have access to supplies, resources and warmth throughout their school year.” (Justin Mallard, Award Recipient)

BC Principals' & Vice-Principals' Association (@BCPVPA) | Twitter

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