Vancouver – The BCCLA BC Civil Liberties Association has released their annual report, looking back at 2017.
2017 was a critical year for the BCCLA, from their trial and historic court decision on indefinite solitary confinement, fighting for the right to die with dignity for suffering Canadians, and citizenship equality.
FYI: The birth of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) in 1962 was a watershed moment in the Canadian human rights movement. Most of the civil liberties associations born in the thirties and forties were defunct by the late 1950s, and a new coterie of civil liberties groups emerged in the sixties beginning with the BCCLA.
To download the full Annual Report, click here.
The newly elected board members are Hasan Alam, Sarah Hamilton, Karen Mirsky, Ayendri Riddell, and Maureen Webb.