Cultus Lake – It has become a year end tradition.
The Military invade Cultus Lake … in a good way.
BC Parks has authorized DND watercraft training exercises at Maple and Jade Bay December 26 – 31, 2024. The staging of this event will be contained within the Provincial Park and the exercises will occur between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm.
From FVN in 2023 and 2022: The Canadian Army will be conducting its annual bridging and rafting exercise in the Cultus Lake area and OPSEE DND training area from the 26th through to the 31st of December 2023.
Training activities conducted by 39 Combat Engineer Regiment at Cultus Lake will be focused around the Maple Bay Boat Launch and campground areas.
There will be increased traffic of large military vehicles between the Col Roger St John armoury at 5535 Korea Road and these training sites. This may lead to increased traffic congestion, particularly around the Vedder Bridge and along Columbia Valley Road to Maple Bay, Cultus Lake.
Drivers should take into consideration that driving time through this area will be increased. Safety at all times, especially when sharing the road with large military vehicles, is paramount.
In an Opinion Piece sent to FVN ( the author wishes to remain anonymous) : I have seen when a portion of this exercise is performed at Jade Bay. Gonna float an idea that you perhaps might have the ability to have heard by the military……. there are large pre-cast concrete pieces that form the ramp for the boat launch. Some of them over the years have become dislodged, somewhat handicapping the full effectiveness of the boat launch. The military is well equipped to fix this. It is very clear BC Parks is not fixing it. Of course a dozen guys, two trucks with 8000 lb+ winches could also fix it IF not shut down by BC Parks or their agents. In past years the military has disconnected one of the two docks. So I am certain they are granted some permissability to disturb these things and later “put back”. Your community media voice, perhaps compounded by some voice from the FVRD would have a chance to get this rectified via publicly funded resources that will be there anyway. This would enable more fluid (pun intended) boat loading and unloading. I do not own a boat but have observed this condition and in the past notified Park Operators with no result gained.
From Canadian Armed Forces:
More than 150 soldiers from every reserve Combat Engineer Regiment in Canada will be joining
39 Combat Engineer Regiment, based in Chilliwack, B.C., to conduct Exercise PALADIN
RESPONSE from December 26 to 31, 2024. The purpose of this annual exercise is to provide
soldiers the opportunity to practice bridge and raft design, planning and construction. The
exercise is supported by elements from Royal Canadian Navy and non-combat engineer trades
from units within the 3rd Canadian Division.
A primary role of the Royal Canadian Engineers (Combat Engineers) is to provide the Army with
mobility support, which includes the physical construction of fixed and floating bridges. Reserve
Force Combat Engineers have a particular focus on supporting domestic operations, such as
response to natural disasters, where they may be asked to provide assistance to provincial and
territorial authorities under Operation LENTUS, which has occurred regularly in recent years.
“Exercise PALADIN RESPONSE is designed to develop the Combat Engineer core skill of gap
crossing, which is a crucial element of mobility support. We will practice operating assault boats,
assembling medium floating bridges, constructing medium girder bridges, and building
prefabricated modular steel Acrow bridges. Through mentorship and practice, this training will
allow 39 Combat Engineer Regiment along with soldiers from reserve combat engineer
regiments across Canada to better respond to humanitarian disasters or combat mobility
- Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Piers, Commanding Officer 39 Combat Engineer Regiment