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UPDATE – Chilliwack Red Sox Baseball Academy – Summer Camps in July and August (VIDEO)

Chilliwack/Abbotsford – Chilliwack baseball academy boats that they are proud to be home to the best facility in the Fraser Valley. It’s called Hit house field of dreams in Abbotsford located on 34220 South Fraser Way #8, Abbotsford.

From their media day release:

It’s a first class facility open 7 days a week for public and private bookings! 5400sq foot facility with 6 retractable cages, pitching mounds, HITTRAX & more! Go to or follow the on social media @hithousefieldofdreamsabbotsford to stay up to date on what they have to offer.

Chilliwack Red Sox have 3 summer camps coming up:

 July 20 and 21 from 1-4PM at Rosedale diamond #2 baseball featuring fundamentals & skills competition with prizes. Please bring lunch & water . Cost is $150 per player includes ball cap and shirt

August 11 and 12 will feature hitting /fielding camp at the hit house field of dreams Abbotsford. 2 hour sessions and competitions with prize.! Cost $200 includes Red Sox shorts & camp shirt.

August 24 and 25 at hit house field of dreams Abbotsford features a 2 hour pitching & catchers clinic. Cost $200 includes Red Sox sweaters.

September events are every Friday and Sunday at AD Rundell middle school. These are 90 min sessions completely FREE. 4 weeks of training 2x a week completely free.

Follow Chilliwack Redsox baseball academy on Instagram and Tic Toc @chilliwack_redsox .

Follow on their Facebook page @chilliwack redsox baseball academy to stay up to date on all the news.

Interested in summer camps, fall or winter training email to register online or inquires.

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