Merritt – MAY 14 UPDATE – The man wanted for allegedly committing a robbery in Merritt on May 10th, 2024, has since been arrested.
After a tip from a member of the public, the man was safely arrested in the downtown core of Merritt.
The man remains in custody, facing several charges, including robbery with a firearm.
“The Merritt RCMP wish to thank the community for their vigilance and patience while officers carried out the search,” says Cpl. James Grandy, BC RCMP spokesperson.
The investigation is ongoing.
MAY 10 ORIGINAL STORY – On Friday afternoon, May 10, 2024, at approximately 1:45 p.m., frontline RCMP officers in Merritt, responded to a robbery which occurred minutes prior at 2801 Clapperton Avenue.
“Officers are actively searching for the suspect and the vehicle,” says Cpl. James Grandy, BC RCMP spokesperson. “Police are releasing footage of both the suspect and the vehicle used, and ask the public to call 911 should they observe either.”
Its now known if the suspect is heading for the Fraser Valley or the Interior.
Description of suspect:
- Caucasian male;
- 5’8” to 5’9” feet tall;
- Large tattoo on right arm (possibly a wave pattern);
- Facial hair;
Description of vehicle:
- Small 2-door Fiat
“The risk to the public remains unknown at this time, however it appears targeted towards carrying out a robbery, and not the general public.”
“Frontline officers are actively working at identifying and locating the suspect, and are hoping a member of the public may spot either the vehicle or suspect” explains Cpl. Grandy.