Cultus Lake – Be advised that staff have received notification of a bear spotted near the entrance of Sunnyside Campground in the alleyway near Park Drive and Columbia Valley Highway. Staff have also received reports of a cougar that was spotted this morning in the campground, likely coming from the residential areas and a bear on Sunday, May 12th in the park’s westside residential area.
As summer approaches and wildlife sightings increase, it is important to take precautions when exploring the campground and park. Below are some helpful tips to protect the community and wildlife as they pass by on their travels:
•Keep garbage inside until the morning of garbage collection and bring your bins in immediately (if possible) following collection
•Odorous garbage can be kept inside a plastic bag and frozen until garbage day
•Garbage can also be kept in the basement or inside the garage or shed if it is bear proof
•Use airtight garbage containers•Businesses/property owners can install bear-proof garbage bins
•Businesses can also construct a bear proof fence/storage area to house garbage until collection time
•Neighbourhood garbage conflicts can be addressed through residents being proactive in their neighbourhood
•Encourage residents to talk to the neighbour(s) causing bear conflict and help educate them about bear attractants
•Garbage should not be left in the back of vehicles or under canopies; they aren’t bear proof and will likely get damaged•Remove any meat, meat by-products, fish, and cooked fruit and vegetables from compost
•Covering the compost with a light cover of dirt or soil or a heavy cover of grass clippings will also assist with odours
•Clean the compost bin regularly
•Barbeques and drip pans should be cleaned after each use since grease and fat are a high calorie food source for bears
•Covering a cleaned barbeque will further help to reduce the transmission of food odour
• Pet food should be kept in an airtight, non-odorous container locked inside residences. Pet food should not be left unattended outside. If pets are fed outdoors, bring in the food dish between feedings.
For more information please visit: Human-Wildlife Conflict – Province of British Columbia (