Island 22/Shxwhá:y Village – On Friday morning December 9 , an eviction notice was posted to the Island 22 RV homeless camp and the area must be cleared by January 31, 2024. The camp is on territory of the Shxwhá:y Village.
FVN has reached out to Chief Robert Goldstone for comment. FVN learned about the notice on December 7 and when arriving to take pictures, one person yelled at the FVN reporter to move on.
In recent months, there have been concerns about crime as RCMP have been called to the site many times. Chilliwack Fire have paid a number of visits, also the issue of waste going into the Fraser River.
Some local environmentalists have anonymously told FVN, they are concerned about the cost of the clean up and that there is the potential of the camp’s residents to simply move to the Chilliwack River Valley. Camps in the CRV have already become a nuisance concern for locals. These same concerned citizen estimate some 50 campsites and 100 people that are on the move. Black Press is reporting that AJ Towing arrived later in the day to start removal of vehicles.
More to come.