Victoria – Students enrolled in early childhood education (ECE) programs at British Columbia post-secondary institutions can apply for bursaries to help pay costs.
From March 20, 2023, until April 3, students can apply for winter 2023 semester (January until April) bursaries through the Province’s ECE Education Support Fund, using a new online portal managed by the Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC). The bursary amount varies depending on the cost of a person’s education, and ECE students may be eligible for as much as $5,000 per semester.
For information about how to apply, visit:
For information about how to become an ECE in B.C., visit:
Early childhood education is an in-demand and rewarding profession. Helping with the cost of education is one way the B.C. government is helping more people choose to become ECEs, so more families can access high-quality care for their children.
Bursaries are available to new and returning students enrolled in a recognized ECE training institution and program, with priority going to students who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit). The remaining applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with funding distributed upon proof of course completion at the end of the semester.
Since the 2018 launch of the 10-year ChildCareBC plan, more than 6,500 ECE students have received more than 12,500 bursaries to help cover the costs of their education. The B.C. government has also taken action to recruit and retain ECEs by creating 1,577 new student spaces in public post-secondary ECE programs, with more to come; enhancing wages; providing better access to training and professional development; and streamlining pathways for international ECEs.