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Health Canada Hints COVID Restrictions Will Lift Once 75% of Canadians Get one Shot and 20% are Fully Immunized

Vancouver (Josh Olund BCIT Radio A&E) – Canadian are getting an update on what they can and can’t do once they’ve received one shot and when they’re fully vaccinated.

On Friday, Health Canada officials tweeted out that when 75 percent of Canadians have their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 20 percent have their second dose, public health measures and restrictions can begin being lifted based on the conditions on where you’re living.

Health Canada says those with one shot of the vaccine will be able to safely take part in outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, picnics, and patios.“Then, we can start to look forward to small outdoor gatherings with friends and family.

But let’s not forget, we still need to follow our local public health advice to keep everyone safe,” Health Canada posted on Twitter.Federal Minister of Health Patty Hajdu says that if 75 percent of Canadians are fully vaccinated with two shots by that fall, more restrictions will be lifted, “and we can enjoy more activities indoors with people from outside our household.

”This could mean a full return to in-person learning for colleges and universities along with indoor sports and more family gatherings.This update comes after the U.S. and the CDC released guidance to let people know when and where they can shed masks and forget social distancing.Canada’s deputy chief public officer, Dr. Howard Njoo,told a news conference today he expects masks to be worn in the fall as the last line of defence against the virus.

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