Abbotsford – Over the past two years, the City has received overwhelming support for a pedestrian/cycling bridge at Salton Road over Highway 1 from participants in the UDistrict and neighbourhood open houses. This bridge will help improve mobility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists and will also align with the City’s strategic goal to enhance multi-modal transportation systems in the community to support walking, cycling and transit.
The project cost is estimated at $3.9M that includes a $1M grant from the Province of British Columbia’s BikeBC Program.
The project will include:
2.6m wide separated bike path along Salton Road between Marshall Road and Highway 1 with a 1.5m sidewalk and parking on the west side of Salton Road
4m wide cycle/pedestrian bridge over Highway 1
3.0m wide separated bike path along Salton Road between Highway 1 and King Road with a 1.5m sidewalk on the east side and parking on the west side of Salton Road.
Public Consultation:
A public consultation meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2017 from 5 to 7 pm at the Abbotsford Centre, 33800 King Road.
For more information
City of Abbotsford
Engineering & Regional Utilities